When restaking your LST, EigenLayer locks your tokens and increases your "shares" amount in a given strategy. Restaking via Layerless additionally gives you an LRT (Liquid Restaked Token) in an amount equal to your deposited LST.
As described in detail in the Architecture section, each supported LRT has its own correlated LST which makes it isolated from other LRTs. The advantage of this approach, as opposed to the basket approach, is the lack of shared risk of individual LRT contracts, as well as a much easier valuation of LRT (1:1 to LST) by third-party DeFi protocols. Separating LRTs also allows us to quickly add and enable every LST supported by EigenLayer.
Unstaking via Layerless burns your LRT and initializes the EigenLayer withdrawal process. Even you you weren't an initial restaker, if you've obtained LRT, you can claim in exchange the underlying LST and the restaking rewards.
In Layerless design, holding an LRT equals being a restaker. It doesn't matter on which supported chain you hold your LRT (Omnichain LRT), or even if you have your LRTs locked in some contract, for example, while being an LP or used as lending collateral (Superposition LRT) - Layerless LRTs are always Reward-bearing meaning that you earn and can claim your EigenLayer restaking rewards at any time and just holding makes you eligible (even if you obtain your LRT via AMM like Uniswap).
Last updated